Whole30 Day 11: Sisterhood & Hanger Management

By Tara Clever
May 2, 2019

Being an older sister suits me.

I like being in charge. I was a sassy little know-it-all as a kid and when my little sister was born I had the perfect built in pupil enrolled in school of life as I saw it. I had a two year head start on her and I took my job very seriously.

When we were little my sister asked me, “What happens if you die?” to which I replied, “Well then I guess Mommy and Daddy will have to teach you everything.”

And folks, today is my sister’s Whole30 – Day 1.

Last night we were texting while she was shopping at Trader Joe’s about various items and whether or not they were compliant. She was chipper. Stoked. Ready to do this.

This morning…

Fiery. Rage.

My official diagnosis is that she is in the throes of the ‘anger stage’ of The Five Stages of Totino’s Pizza Roll Grief, and last night must have been denial.

I’ve tried a few tactics throughout the day…

Some tough love was given upon receipt of this text message.

The ‘Day by Day’ book has been an incredibly important tool for me over the last 11 days, far more important than I could have predicted. It normalizes, it encourages, and it should absolutely not be boycotted because you’re mad at Melissa.

And how about that feeling when you get to check that daily ‘You Did It’ box??

Throughout the day I’ve been so grateful to be in a position to support my little sister. I’ve always liked doing things first (I’ll try the super fun water slide out first because I’m older and it could be dangerous. I’ll let you know if it was fun when I’m done, then I’ll go again, and then you go. Wait here.) and it feels very natural to 11 days into this journey as she’s getting started.

It is also incredible to me that after only 11 days of something I feel settled into my new routine enough to help smooth out some of the rough entry moments for her, and even that is a testament to how quickly this journey teaches and how fast your perspective can change if you ask it to.

I know she’s going to do great, and she is not going to punch her fiancé because she promised. And I know that she is just a few days from feeling so much better, because I promised her fiancé.

So tonight this post is dedicated to my sister who apparently shed tears over a banana today, but is changing her life along with the rest of us.

P.S. If you didn’t get a chance to read Jen’s post from yesterday you need treat yo self and make it happen.

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